Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The Land and everyone on it breathes a sigh of relief now that the monsoon, two weeks late, has
finally arrived. The stress of enduring the buildup of heat in the hottest May-June in 50 years is finallly broken. The final days were difficult even for local people. Shortly after the rains started the sound of laughter rang through the valley from adults and children playing outside in the rain celebrating monsoons arrival. The bells of the temples rang in happy celebration, and the temperature dropped with a thunk. Body heat stress is difficult to imagine if never experienced, but suffice it to say that great relief is felt as systems return to moderate levels.

But Wait!! New adventures await one in monsoon. If never experienced before, like us, nature has some surprises for you. We had just stepped out of the kitchen on the night of the first heavy rain and plofp, ploffp, ploffffpp, they were jumping everywhere - -Jenatta screamed like a good girl would and Dewa stood frozen in that time warp when you don't know what is happening yet, but it's real wierd and your body knows before your mind has got the picture.

Yes, you guessed it, big shiny slimy green bull frogs with also celebrating monsoon by jumping out of hibernation in the mud onto the front porch and into the dinning hall and going for the kitchen and the bedrooms. Brooms and shouts and hysteria did channel them off the porch and the cowardly crew retreated inside to escape possible frogilation. The next morning, peering out onto the porch, none of the celebrants were in sight. Looking over the edge of the porch, a mass of protoplasm at first unrecognizable, gave way to a vision of two who had found each other and were not pleased with my flashlight glare. Monsoon celebrations come is all different styles.

Two days before, we experienced the first wave of pestilence. a very light rain had occurred, and no one could say the monsoon had arrived -- just a dusting, a hint, a tease of the heat suffering ones. Lawho, our gardener, shouted out something unintelligible in marathi, which is easy for him to do as we don't yet speak the language, and we hurried to see what up. Snake - - very dangerous snake, "one bite you die, nothing can be done, no need to go to hospital" says Roidas, the other gardener.

We learned later that this is not true, but the snake found was a Russell's Viper, one of the most poisonous and feared snakes of the asian areas. It was small - - a baby -- only 15 inches, but very potent we are told. The gardener has helped this one off to the happy wriggling land. We went to question the doctor at the nearby clinic. Reassuring us, he said he had anti-venom shots for forty patients and had never lost a snake bite client. We felt relieved. He also related that 40% of his snake bite patients were out at night with no flashlight or boots looking for crabs, frogs, and fish delicacies and were under the influence of alcohol - - drunk dummies. Running a quick poll of friends and workers, further relief was given by the fact that no one had ever been bitten, and these creatures only come out during the first part of monsoon. By this time we were way relaxed about the whole thing.

We didn't like the "one bite, you die" prognosis. Well, let's count. Today marks the 5th day of snake finding, and today the number is ten. 9 of the baby Russel Vipers and one big fat, 5 foot long non poisonous serpentine visitor that only the gardener saw. In between snake one to 10 we had a morning of the invasion of the big ants - - the black rather harmless ants, but big and awkard to continuously be stepping on in the kitchen and the veranda. Desparate, i tried the only thing at hand, "Pril" our sink soap bubbled them off and they have never returned. Pril - - keep some on hand.

We vacilate now between some anxiety about the invasions and a keen suspense about what surprise Monsoon Goddess has in store for us. Grateful for the entertainment and excitment, we are a bit widgy about the next waves on the beach.

All in all Nimboli is a wonderful, peaceful and very spiriually powerful place. we are grateful to be here. Come and visit.

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