Displaced refugees Jeanette H and Dahvee H report being amazed by the intensity of the peace and quiet of Nimboli after just one night’s residence. They were quoted as saying “the sun rises – the sun sets – the air is suddenly filled with a sweeping arc of white egrets wafting over the hibernating rice patty fields and brick-making grounds - - occasionally the sounds of children playing, yelling their surprise and delight, the sounds of drumming and chanting of God-Dess celebrating/invoking people, the familiar pervasive chipping sounds of masons plying their trade, and the very audible inclusive silence. Not even the ubiquitous Indian noise of diesel machinery disturbs the tranquility here - - just the cawing of crows and multiple other unidentified avians polka-dot the space time surround.
These amateur and jet lagging travelers expressed their surprise and being graced by a cool almost cold, night and the surprise of awakening to a dense and delicious morning fog blanketing the entire region and making every surface, yesterday dry and dusty, wet with dew.
The pair was observed to be rather in a state of shock and when asked about their apparent befuddlement, they could only mutter unintelligibly about “simple, it’s so simple” - - adding some further stuttering about powerful, palpable energy vortices, and Presence of Lineage so rich and available, they appeared to be highly affected by their translation to this location.
Commenting on their evening meal, DH was heard to exclaim –“Wow, this is kick-ass dal the likes of which I’ve never experienced before - - this new cook has culinary siddhi - - not only transcendent dal but healing as well!!” His reaction surprised this reporter as DH previously had boringly lamented over “yeah, there will be dal and then dal and if you don’t like dal, you can chose dal.” The new cook (Ms. Sunita (sp?) pronounced soon-ita) when told the couple liked spices, obviously was splendidly suited to the challenge, and has won the hearts of the appreciative pair.
Major construction was observed at Fire Mountain, home of amazing manifestations current and approaching, in the form of two new bathrooms arising rapidly brick by brick at the hands of the rhythmic Adavasi builders, and also the renovation of the women’s lavatory basins/mirrors and salon area. A buzz of excited discussion focused around the erection of a fabled dome-like structure rumored to be the future meeting place of guests and meditation enthusiasts from abroad, soon to arrive. The place fairly sings with anticipation of this blessing.
Asked for a comparative analogy to describe their Nimboli experience, a jumbled tossed salad of descriptive terms ensued– tossed salad life with no-thyme, thyme-less, thyme-a-plenty, thyme on your hands, and thyme, only thyme – this description doesn’t make much sense, but it seems to resonate solidly in the Haleys’ experience.
How is it the day rolls on in such a quiet, polite, timeless way in Nimboli, when so much of the world should apologize for its rough-shod treatment of the generous offerings of each moment? A question to ask and enjoy, and certainly not to answer, but rather to use as fuel for transport to the origin of the question.
As we left the happy couple, whose expectations obviously were surpassed by their experience, we heard Consierge Sunil announcing the coconut curry luncheon was ready.
If you fancy a unique, spirited, and heartening adventure, we recommend plans for a trip to Fire Mountain, Maharasthra, India are in order.
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