Saturday, April 18, 2009

Adjusting to New Life in Nimboli

This is a quick status report:

It is hard to believe, but today the phone line men came again, and now we have internet service at 1500 speed, not 50. Wow!!! it is fast.

We finally can begin to download podcasts again. Hooray for Kazi!!

Our third letter has now been delivered to Nimboli via post office. It arrives hand delivered by motorcycle. Amazing!!

Had our third puja in Dome today, a little yagna with paduka abesheka; very lovely. This brahman, Govinda, includes us and explains some things in English.

Air conditioner is working well.
Kazi having success with his work for NET.

Swami G came and went. He is looking forward to seeing his Australian friends and Swami Shankarananda in Melbourne.

Dahvee had to get a replacement bike since first one broke twice. He is very happy with his replacement.

Our doctor next door invited us in for tea today. dear man and devoted to Swami Pornananda, of Rak Hadi Baba lineage next door. Lovely neighbors we have here in Nimboli.

The river is drying up quickly. Just heard that we can count on the water table rising for several days in August above the porch.

Doctor told us that the only dangerous things are scorpions and snake bites. He has anti venom for both. Seen three scorpions so far. I think I will get off the floor now that I think about it. We did get a darling little cat for catching crawling things. He said the lizards and chirogs not dangerous.

Off to bed,

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